Monday 29 April 2013

We travelled from Cape Town to Johannesburg early yesterday morning then enjoyed a two hour bus drive to Pilansberg National Park. The boys (and staff) were excited to see the luxurious accommodation of Bakabung Lodge with its thatched huts overlooking grassland and a waterhole. It was to our great surprise to see zebra, warthogs and elephants all amble by during the day in search of sustenance!
Before an enormous buffet dinner, the boys were taken on a three hour game drive through parts of the expansive Pilansberg National Park. They enjoyed close encounters with many elephants, zebra, impalas, springbok, giraffe and even a puff adder which the guide teased out of the bushes having watched it slither in there. The boys watched the guide in awe while appreciating the distance offered by the truck high above the ground.
We were up bright and early this morning to start another drive before the sun came up. Our guide spotted lion tracks so we set off in search of these elusive cats amidst the long grasses. Our efforts were rewarded with a small pride of five lions who wandered nonchalantly past our vehicle without raising an eyelid. Further encounters were had with various antelope, giraffe, zebra, hippos, wilder beast  and "pumbas" (warthogs!)
The afternoon was spent at the Valley of the Waves at Sun City. The boys enjoyed the various water slides on offer as well as the large wave pool. At 30 degrees, it certainly lived up to its name.
We will leave Bakabung in the morning and head to The Lion Park, Johannesburg on our way to the airport. The boys will have the chance to pat lion cubs and see cheetahs and lions as they undertake a final game drive on what has been an extraordinary tour in so many ways.
Our flight is due on Wednesday May 1st at Sydney International Terminal 1 at 2.15pm (if we're running on time). Hopefully the boys have told you this and we look forward to seeing you then.
Some of the boys in Pilansberg National Park

Entry to the Valley of Waves, Sun City
A great day for a swim
The boys didn't hover at the top of the slide too long

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