Sunday 28 April 2013

Settlers' High School proved an interesting billet with the boys being hosted by Cape families renowned for their hospitality and friendliness. Friendships were quickly forged - to such an extent that some of the girls from Settlers' joined our team tunnel to cheer our boys out on to the field! The game proved a little one-sided, but our smaller opponents proved tenacious and enthusiastic to the end. The lopsided score of 79-6 saw Barker power home with 12 tries. Tyson Davis was named man of the match by our opposition, but this was a truly impressive team effort, with Barker performing their moves and patterns with precision.
Table Mountain proved a superb distant backdrop for a two course sit-down after match function before we headed off to watch Wynberg play Grey High School, Port Elizabeth at the foot of the mountain. The waking week was rounded off with a pizza-pasta team dinner and an early night before our 8am flight to Johannesburg.
After five convincing wins the boys are on a high, but each one of us is equally conscious of the big step up required for next weekend's CAS round 1 encounter against Knox!

Captain for the day, Deven Stoltz, speaking at the after match function

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